Basic Info.
Outdoor Gear, Packaging, Agriculture, Shipping, Security, Decoration, Garment, Chinese Knot
ISO9001: 2000, CE
PP Multifilament/Polyester/Nylon/Cotton
Rope Color
White/Blue/Red/Yellow/Green, Customized
Rope Diameter
1-100mm, Customized
Rope Features
High Strength, Abrasion
Transport Package
Coil/Hank/Spool/Reel/Bundle/Carton/Woven Bag/Palle
3/4/6/8/12 strands 1-100mm rope
Product Description
Bungee Cord Elastic Cord for Garments Clothing Hair Accessories
A: Rope Description:Polypropylene is light, floatable and highly resistant to most chemicals. Spliceable, very low stretch. This general purpose rope is lightweight, strong and used extensively for most rope requirements.
Cotton rope is the best choice when a soft feel and natural fibre are important. Cotton offers a softer touch than many synthetic ropes so it is a popular choice for a wide range of consumer applications, especially if the rope will be handled often. Twisted cotton rope is spliceable, holds knots well, and has excellent resistance to uv rays so it won't yellow or weaken with extensive exposure to sunlight.
Sisal rope has a rough texture which provides a firm grip and holds knots well. Fair to good surface and internal abrasion resistance makes sisal a good choice for general purpose jobs where moderate strength is required. It is lighter in color, softer and more pliable than manila. Sisal rope is great for home, farm and utility use. It is also useful for zoological barriers, ornamental purposes, nursery supply, tie-down and tent lines. Sisal is a natural fiber that deteriorates rapidly when exposed to weather. B: Rope specifications:We could customized rope color/diameter/packing type, etc as per your actual requests..Raw Material: Polyester/Nylon/PP Multifilament Yarn/monofilament yarn/danline yarn/split-film/cotton/sisal/jute
Technology:twisted rope
Diameter: 1-100mm Customized
Color: Red/Yellow/Blue/Green Customized
Packing: Woven bag/Carton box/PalletC: Deatiled pictures:Twisted twine:Twisted rope:Other kind ropes:PP hollow braided ropePP multifilament 16 strands braided ropePolyester braided rope & Double braided ropeNylon braided rope & Double braided ropeD: About our company: ROPENET GROUP
Established in April 2002
Specialized in Full Line Rope Making Machine
90% export sales
More than 1000 employees
Our advantages:
5 running factories to make all kinds of ropes
Customers in almost 40 countries
16 years' experience as a proven professional manufacturer
ISO9001 and CE certification
Innovative research
Expertise in advanced technology
Delivery quickly and on time
Our services:Installation service, which surely keep machine safety.
Technical know-how: rope making from A to Z and make customers convenience.
Customer training, train workers how to use machine preperly and to maintain optimal operation productiovity.
After-sale service: Offer the preventative maintenance and after-sale service.
Exhibitions we attend:E: Contact us:We are committed to Full Line Rope Making Line, from extruders, ring twisters, rope making machines to rope packaging machines, etc.
Based on years' experience and strict quality control system, we are able to make the most suitable solutions as different requirements.
So if any interests/questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Rope Technology No. 67# Leigushi Street, Taishan District, Taian, Tai′an, Shandong, China
Business Type:
Manufacturer/Factory, Trading Company
Business Range:
Manufacturing & Processing Machinery
Management System Certification:
ISO 9001
Company Introduction:
Our company supplies different kinds of products. High quality and favorable price. We′re pleased to get your Inquiry and we will come back to as soon as possible. We stick to the principle of "quality first, service first, continuous improvement and innovation to meet the customers" for the management and "zero defect, zero complaints" as the quality objective. To perfect our service, we provide the products with good quality at the reasonable price.